
A Brief Note on Anxiety

By Dr. Sheena Wu, ND   Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns, affecting millions worldwide.  Although anxiety is a natural response to stress or perceived threats, with modern day stressors it can become excessive or persistent, taking a toll on daily functioning as well as the quality of life.  Anxiety disorders [...]

Emotional Pain & Trauma Manifest in the Body

Did you know that trauma and emotional pain sit and can get stuck in different parts of the body? Not all of the pain in our bodies is related to muscle tension and body strain. Much of our unprocessed emotions get stuck in the body, and sometimes the only way to heal it is through [...]

Is My Teen Depressed?

Is My Teen Depressed?  Adolescence and Depression: Signs to Look out For by Francesca Scaini, RP, MA, BFA, CATA Art Therapist Registered Psychotherapist   Do you remember your own teen years and how intense everything felt? A time where the most insignificant problems were earth-shattering and caused you to either skyrocket to emotional bliss or [...]

Headaches & Manual Osteopathy

Don’t Let Headaches Control Your Life Headache is a common pain we experience day to day, they come in all sizes and forms. Tension, cluster and migraine all affect us in one way or another, hampering our day or week. Factors such as postural imbalances, excess screen time, tight muscles and untreated head traumas impact [...]

Overuse Injury & Manual Osteopathy

Can Overtraining Make You Injury Prone? As active individuals we often forget to balance workdays with rest days. Performing repetitive actions daily can lead to prolonged soreness in our bodies. Overuse injuries caused by repeating movements affect the joints and muscles. Work related and sports based injuries affect our overall performance and make us injury [...]

Sedentary Lifestyle & Manual Osteopathy

Is a Sedentary Lifestyle Impacting Your Wellbeing? With the lockdown fatigue taking over our daily lives, homebound lifestyle is becoming the new norm. Social distancing to flatten the curve has shifted many of us from being active individuals to couch potatoes. Being sedentary places our body in a catatonic stage affecting our immune system and [...]

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