Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture

Enhancing Beauty – Inside & Out

The Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture is your healthy option to looking and feeling younger.  Cosmetic Acupuncture is one of the only healthy choices options for cosmetic improvements currently available and is the “true anti-aging medicine”.  Though the procedure is not well known or publicized in North America, it has been used for centuries in China by Emporers and people with financial wealth.  An education campaign is underway, to teach women that Cosmetic Acupuncture is a relatively non-invasive procedure that brings about some amazing results, which are more than just skin deep.  Truly remarkable results happen when we take care of both our internal and external health, and it is the only cosmetic procedure that actually improves your overall health.

The obvious benefits include having softer, firmer skin, reduction of deeper wrinkles, possible elimination of finer wrinkles and improvement/minimizing of jowls.  Although not visually as dramatic as a surgical procedure, Cosmetic Acupuncture actually has a much more dramatic overall effect in healthy “side effects”.  Besides the obvious visual changes, people have reported improved digestion, better quality sleep, reduced hot flashes, elimination of mild depression and anxiety, improved energy and an overall sense of well-being.  People complete their sessions not only looking younger, but feeling younger, more energetic and remarkably healthier.

From a Western Medicine standpoint, Cosmetic Acupuncture works because the needling causes micro-traumas in the skin to which the body responds by increasing blood flow and the production of collagen and elastin for wound healing.  The needling, which is done at the dermis level, may also stimulate neurotransmitter production.  From the Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, Qi and Blood are being brought to the face; Qi is being lifted and the body’s energetic systems are being put into balance.  This is why we see amazing results within the entire body.  The procedure is very low risk since the needling is so superficial, however occasionally bruising can occur.

Besides the needling, in this program you will learn about healthy skin care, optimal nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle that will help you achieve and maintain the best results possible.  You may be recommended certain supplements, herbs or homeopathic formulas to enhance your results.

To determine if the Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture System is right for you, we offer a 10 min. free information session before getting started. Not everyone is a candidate for cosmetic acupuncture.  Please note that the following situations would exclude you from this type of treatment: haemophiliac, seizure disorders, taking blood thinning drugs, having a pacemaker, uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes, severe migraines, pregnancy, smoker and alcoholic.

After the information session, a 90 min. initial TCM and Acupuncture session is booked.  This session is necessary to assess your past and current health status and provide you with an initial acupuncture treatment.  During this visit you will also be given further instructions and details on the program with guidelines, dietary and lifestyle recommendations to ensure optimal results.  

Session information:

  • Free Consultation (10 min)
  • Initial & TCM Intake, Assessment & Acupuncture Session (90 min)
  • Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture Program (10 sessions @ 60 min each)

Frequently Asked Questions

What areas can Mei Zen Acupuncture treat and how many treatments are needed?

There are 3 focus areas that can be covered with Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture: face, neck, abdomen (weight loss and fertility). For the face and neck, 10 treatments are scheduled twice a week for five weeks. These are not done simultaneously, as the treatments are intensive and need to be treated separately. The abdominal program for reducing inches, supporting weight loss and dealing with reproductive issues, requires minimum 12 treatments, twice per week for six weeks. Generally, results last from 3-5 years after completion of the program.

How long is each treatment?

A 90 min. Initial and TCM consultation and assessment (which includes an overall acupuncture treatment), is required prior to booking the course of Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture. This will address all health concerns that may affect results and be targeted during your treatments. Sessions last 60 minutes and include oil massage and lifestyle counselling.

Does cosmetic acupuncture hurt?

The needles used in cosmetic acupuncture are extremely thin and inserted superficially into the skin. Patients often describe a slight pinching sensation in sensitive areas.

Are the needles sterile?

Yes. The needles are sealed in sterile containers and are only ever used once.

Am I a candidate for cosmetic acupuncture?

Not everyone is a candidate for cosmetic acupuncture. The following would exclude you from this type of treatment:

Seizure disorders, Hamophiliac, taking blood thinners, having a pacemaker, uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes, severe migraines, pregnancy, smoker, alcoholic, former plastic surgery