360 Degrees of Healing
We are an integrative and functional medicine clinic offering Naturopathic medicine, Registered Massage Therapy, Chiropractic care, Live Blood Cell Microscopy Analysis, Acupuncture, Nutritional Guidance, Lab testing, Counselling, and much more – all in one holistic home!
We as practitioners and therapists work together, with you the patient, to investigate and uncover the true, underlying cause of dis-ease. We thoroughly explore your past and present health state, the interactions between genetics, environmental, and lifestyle factors, which all influence long-term health and chronic conditions. We educate and empower our patients to understand their body in terms of the “what”, “why” and “how” of their condition, while using diagnostics and examinations to determine an individualized treatment plan.
With a science-based healthcare approach, our mission and focus at 360 Healing Centre is to provide solutions to your health issues and concerns that are practical, proven, proactive and give powerful results.